Tuesday 23 November 2010

Anticipation - Initial Research

Anticipation within animation refers to a small movement that prepares for the main action that is about to follow. For example, bending the knees slightly before a jump. Anticipation is used for a variety of reasons, one being that it allows the viewer to understand rapid movement better, such as a character preparing to run and then dashing off screen. This method is also used to help portray weight or age within the character, a heavy person may place their hands on their knees before sitting up from a chair, whereas a lighter person may spring up without much anticipation of movement.

image source: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://lh3.ggpht.com/_jL0PYTVd-Zs/SwiH94QfXQI/AAAAAAAACos/fErgDWOd-lA/s800/m03_s03_Antic.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forums.awn.com/showthread.php%3Ft%3D12412&usg=__7sTdUmAHlGSnSdoqaLjHYCk

Below is student sequence found on youtube, illustrating some anticipation within animation.

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